"Attempt to introduce myself to new areas of website development to ensure that I would gain the best possible experience during my time at 'Coullweb'."
During the first semester of my third and final year, I undertook work experience with a company in Basingstoke called ‘Coullweb’. The main objective set by the developer at ‘Coullweb’ was to ensure that I could have been introduced to different areas to enhance my skillset as a website developer. Another objective was to attempt to solidify the skills I already possessed at that current stage with areas including ‘HTML5’ and ‘CSS3’.
I undertook many different tasks during my time at ‘Coullweb’, utilising various technologies to progress with each.
The first task entailed making front-end page edits to an existing client’s website, using the technologies of ‘HTML5’ and ‘CSS3’.
Secondly, I undertook the task of creating a fictitious clients partner page which would have allowed for filtering clients through different categories. This was achieved through creating a custom post type called ‘clients’, allowing for the creation of different posts. The ‘WordPress’ plugin ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ was used to allow for adding content to each post. Furthermore, a filter was added to the ‘HTML5’ ‘select’ tag to allow for filtering clients by their categories created through tags on the custom fields.
The third task involved creating a fictitious register and login system which would have allowed users to register accounts, log into and out of accounts and reset passwords. To achieve these aspects, the main technologies utilised were ‘PHP’ and ‘MySQL’ with ‘WordPress’, ‘HTML5’ and ‘CSS3’ being used for establishing, structuring and styling certain aspects.
The final task I undertook was creating a landing page with the purpose being able to link to different aspects of a website, using the technologies of ‘HTML5’ and ‘CSS3’.
Although all tasks weren’t fully completed due to time constraints and learning of new areas of website development, I managed to enhance my skillset through becoming more confident in areas such as ‘PHP’, ‘MySQL’ and ‘WordPress’ as well as learning of new areas in ‘CSS3’ including the ‘skew’ transformation. My role throughout the work experience was as an observer as well as being able to independently learn and undertake set tasks when required to.
You will be able to view both the outcomes and development processes at the end of this page through the provided videos and a development document link.
Feedback Received from the Work Experience and the Development Processes
Received Feedback
Whilst undertaking the work experience, I asked if it would have been possible to receive some feedback regarding my time at the company. I have been informed that I will receive this and the company are in the process of completing this for myself.
The Development Processes
As explained previously, the document provided via the link below demonstrates different development processes undertaken during the work experience at 'Coullweb'.
Development/Outcomes DocumentThe Final Outcomes
The Clients Page which Could be Filtered by Categories
As explained previously, I undertook the task of creating a clients page that would have displayed all clients alphabetically and allowed for filtering of these by category. This process can be viewed by the video showing the final outcome below. To view the development work of this task, please refer to the document above.
The Final Outcome of the Clients Page
The Register and Login System
As stated previously, I undertook the task of creating a fictitious register and login system which would have allowed users to register an account, log into and out of their account and also have been able to reset their password if required. To show the outcomes of all of these actions, I have included videos below which show the different processes of the system. To view the development work of this task, please refer to the document above.
Registering an Account and Logging in and Out of the System
The Final Outcome of Registering an Account
The Final Outcome of Logging in and Out of the System
Resetting a Password and Page Redirects if Unauthorised Access Occurred
The Final Outcome of Resetting a Password - Part 1
The Final Outcome of Resetting a Password - Part 2
The Final Outcome of Resetting a Password - Part 3
The Final Outcome of Page Redirects if Unauthorised Access Occurred
The Landing Page
As explained previously, I undertook the task of creating a landing page to link to different sections with the main purpose of each hovered aspect growing to highlight the aspect interacted with. However, due to time constraints, this was unable to be fully completed. This process can be viewed by the video showing the final outcome below. To view the development work of this task, please refer to the document above.
The Final Outcome of the Landing Page