'The ICE Agency' Work Experience

University of Winchester Y3S1 Work Experience


"Achieve as much as possible with creating a home page and about page for an already created website with the main purpose being to learn new areas of website development during the week."


During the first semester of my third and final year, I undertook work experience with a company in Winchester called ‘The ICE Agency’. During this work experience, I was informed that I would have been creating home and about pages of an already existing website to view my approach. I was also informed that I wasn’t expected to complete the pages but to allow myself to learn of new areas in website development as this was the main objective of the work experience.

During the work experience, I was able to learn of new areas including ‘Flexbox’ which allowed for easier structuring of sections of web pages. I also integrated the custom built pages into the content management system ‘WordPress’, being able to solidify my knowledge and understanding of this through areas including page templates and the plugin ‘Advanced Custom Fields’. Furthermore, I was introduced to several other technologies and tools which included ‘Bitbucket’, ‘Sourcetree’, ‘JIRA’, ‘Gulp JS’, ‘Text Pastry’ and ‘Emmet’. ‘Gulp JS’ was a key technology utilised in order to allow for the ‘CSS3’ code to execute properly as well as allowing for browser syncing, enabling myself to save changes with the browser automatically updating the changes.

Throughout the work experience, I ensured I asked questions to enable myself to gain the most from the available time. I undertook the roles of being an observer, with the example of viewing the technology ‘SASS’ being used in a current project, and also an independent learner, undertaking the set tasks throughout the week.

You will be able to view both the outcomes and development processes at the end of this page through the provided videos and a development document link.

Feedback Received from the Work Experience and the Development Processes

Received Feedback


After finishing the work experience at 'The ICE Agency', I was kindly provided with some feedback from the company and this can be viewed below.

The Feedback

The Development Processes

As explained previously, the document provided via the link below demonstrates different development processes undertaken during the work experience at 'The ICE Agency'.

Development/Outcomes Document

The Final Outcomes

The Home Page (Desktop and Mobile Devices)

The Final Outcome for the Desktop Version of the Home Page

The Final Outcome for the Mobile Version of the Home Page

The About Page (Desktop and Mobile Devices)

The Final Outcome for the Desktop Version of the About Page

The Final Outcome for the Mobile Version of the About Page