General Work Year 1

Here are some other pieces of work I have completed in addition to the projects set throughout both semesters in year 1 of my degree.

Above are some ideas I produced to try and help me decide on which logo I wanted to use on my own website and business card. The image in the top middle of the page is my old logo but I wanted to change my logo so it was more simplistic and without my full name. The logo I created and am currently using is the image in the middle on the left-hand side. Additionally, there are some of the development processes I undertook for a design challenge we had to complete as part of our reading week in semester 2 of year 1. The brief for this was to "Create a 'digital package'- or DP -for a recording artist whose work you admire, but can't currently bring yourself ot purchase online for $20.99. What kinds of content would you expect to receive at that price point? And how would that content be shaped by design to create a compelling music-listening experience?" For this I thought it would be a good idea to create some headphones which could be purchased that would be customised to match the album cover of the music which would be stored on them. Then, when plugged into your phone/device, it would automatically recognise the album and start playing the music.


Portfolio Document - Development Work of Projects